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Location: Grandview, Washington

Friday, September 08, 2006

under construction

princesses aren't perfect

anyone who's known me very long can attest to the fact that i'm not perfect (right abe?). but i try hard to do what i believe to be the "right" thing. all i can say is that i'm still under construction.

a princess shouldn't whine. but sometimes it's so hard not to. especially when potty-trained 4year olds continue to wet their beds; and i'm plagued with a headache that confines me to my bed- that isn't made today; and i'm hungry for something besides the frozen foods i've stocked my freezer with (corndogs and burritos are only appetizing for so long).

a princess doesn't leave the house without her makeup on. i'm thankful for my big sunglasses. this morning when i took anna to kindergarten i broke this rule. i ended up having to pack a sack lunch and sew on a button for anna during my personal prep time. so i took her with no makeup on. i did feel a little funny walking into the school wearing sunglasses, but my pride wouldn't let me take them off. (actually i'm just practicing for the day when the paparazzi follow me everywhere).

a princess reaches out to others. that's what i'm trying to do now- to let all of you other princesses out there know that perfection isn't expected. it's okay- i hope- to occaisionally let PBS babysit while you take a nap; it's okay to take time out to pamper yourself (i haven't figuered out how to do that for myself yet, today; maybe i'll make myself a chocolate milkshake). just know that you're not alone in your struggles today. no one is looking down on you. especially if you're very pregnant (sarah), or temporarily a single parent (maggie).

a princess is real- with herself and, just in case you think i may be approaching a perfect life, refer back to this post and remember that we all have moments that we'd like to cover up. but instead, find a friend and just let it all out. and then move on. that's what i'm going to do now- move on. i'm going to make my bed and then lay down with anna and talk to her about her day.


Blogger abelara said...

i'm sorry for becoming "short" with you over the frozen foods . . . i guess you're feeling the same way i am about it.

love ya!

9/08/2006 04:30:00 PM  
Blogger Nan said...

Hi! I followed a link from another PW's blog. I am just trying to get out the word about a new pw blogroll I've created. If you are even remotely interested stop by and if you want to join just leave the pertinent info. in a comment and I'll send you the code for your template!
You can also stop by my own blog to find out more about me.
God bless!
p.s. I used to be an MK consultant too. I was terrible at it though! :^\ LOL!

9/13/2006 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger maggie said...

where are you pensive princess?? we miss your thoughts

9/15/2006 04:25:00 PM  

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